“By launching of the European Patronage of Business Women – PEFA we have the opportunity, fully, to change the economic landscape, to promote a culture of inclusion in the business environment, but also in society, because gender equality is not a fad, but a reality,” said Andreea Negru, president of the European Business Women’s Association (PEFA), during the Gender Equality. Agenda 2030.

Roxana Mînzatu, Secretary of State in the Department for the Evaluation and Monitoring of Projects from Public and European Funds, the host of this event, said:“The entrepreneurial environment in Romania is enriched with a new voice of business women and it is encouraging! The contribution of women in business, in any industry, is a competitive advantage, not a concession to women. Economic forecasts show us that Romania’s GDP is increasing as a result of the increase in the share of women who become entrepreneurs. In addition, I am convinced that the Government – business environment partnership will become more efficient and generate more results, considering that PEFA is a member of a strong, pro active and representative social partner – CNIPMMR”.

The president of the National Council of SMEs in Romania (CNIPMMR), Florin Jianu, said: “Four out of ten entrepreneurs in Romania are female, and at the level of the entire economy over a third of managers are women. In terms of women running companies listed on the Stock Exchange, we are in first place at the European level, which is an extraordinary thing, with an average of 31.6%, the European average being 20%. At the level of the entire economy, 33.2% of managers are women in Romania, a percentage close to what happens at the European level, i.e. 35% with a higher percentage than in countries with tradition: Germany has 29%, Italy 28% and the Netherlands 26%”. Although the investments in companies run by women are lower than the investments in companies run by men, their turnover and profit are higher. “So, you put some money in a company run by a gentleman, you expect weaker results, so you better go where it matters and where it’s worth putting the money”.

The First Vice-President of PEFA, Lorena Stoian, supported the need for emancipation in Romanian society: “We have examples of good practice, where the partnership between women and men, at the management of companies, brings exceptional results. That is why the entire Romanian society must be aware of, support and promote women in the work environment because their professional development represents a model for future generations”. According to the data presented by CNIPMRR, four out of ten entrepreneurs (38.4%) in Romania are female. In this margin, the best representation is recorded in the Center region (44.5%), followed by the Bucharest-Ilfov region (44%). A lower presence of female entrepreneurs is recorded in the West region, with 31.9%, as a total average.

During the PEFA launch event, the following also spoke: Ramona Chiriac – Head of the European Commission Representation in Romania, Mihai Alexandru Ghigiu – Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Romania, Victoria Stoiciu – State Counselor in the Prime Minister’s Cabinet, Anna Akhalkatsi – Country Manager for Romania World Bank, Intotero Natalia Elena – Minister of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities, Daniel Suciu – Vice-President of the Romanian Parliament – Chamber of Deputies, Elisabeta Lipa – President of the National Sports Agency, Alexandra Damascan – President of Serinius Energy Romania, Mihaela Suciu – General Director of Distribution Electric Energy Romania,Roxana Ghioca – Austrotherm Romania General Manager.

The European Employers’ Association of Business Women PEFA is a member of the National Council of Small and Medium-sized Private Enterprises in Romania (CNIPMMR), the only nationally representative employers’ organization for SMEs.

The four ladies who founded PEFA: Andreea Negru – President, Lorena Stoian – First Vice President, Alina Paul – Vice President and Liliana Agheorghicesei – Vice President decided to join forces and fight to promote gender equality and for to produce changes in the domestic economic landscape.

A first step in this direction has already been taken – the representatives of PEFA were at the discussion table with the Prime Minister of Romania and the representatives of CNIPMMR The CNIPMMR delegation led by Mr. President Florin Jianu, had a meeting, at the Government headquarters, with Mr. Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu during which topics such as:

After analyzing and debating each topic, the two parties participating in the meeting agreed on the following:

1. The Ministry of Finance will develop a mobile application for the e-invoice system;

2. ANAF will involve the business environment in the elaboration of the rules regarding the application of the tax on micro-enterprises and will clarify the way of inclusion in the category of micro-enterprises paying income tax in relation to the changes introduced by GEO 115/2023;

3. For the transport sector: this week a normative act will be adopted which will subsidize the diesel excise tax; a testing period of the e-transport system will be established so that operational errors are fixed; the possibility of deducting from the tax the costs generated by the purchase of equipment for the application of the new systems (e-transport, e-invoice) will be analyzed;

4. The possibility of separately highlighting the excise duty on the invoice will be analyzed so that it does not influence the calculation of the turnover for goods and energy distributors; 5. Working groups will be initiated to amend the legislation in the field of copyright, regarding the clarification of the method of payment of remuneration due to artists, in the field of obtaining fire safety authorization and in the field of RCA so that any compensation granted for the repair of a motor vehicle is granted only on the basis of a tax invoice.

The meeting was attended by: From the Government of Romania: Marcel Ciolacu – Prime Minister, Marian Neacșu – Deputy Prime Minister, Ștefan-Radu OPREA – Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Alexandru Mihai Ghigiu – Head of the Prime Minister’s Chancellery, Ovidiu Gheorghe – State Councilor in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister; Michael the Deacon – Secretary of State in the Ministry of Finance.

From CNIPMMR: Florin Jianu – President of CNIPMMR, Sterića Fudulea – General Secretary of CNIPMMR, Dan Manolescu – President of the Chamber of Fiscal Consultants, Dan Barbu– President of the Patronatul Serviceurilor Auto, Augustin Hagiu – President of FORT, Lucescu Beniamin – President of AOTR, Luigi Hirjanu – President of PACDBR, Cristian Hotoboc – President of PALMED, Liliana Agheorghicesei – President of PIMM Suceava, Andreea Negru – President of PEFA, Lorena Stoian – First Vice President of PEFA, Ana Dincă – member of CNIPMMR, Ion Glișcă – President of PIPMM Argeș, Olimpia Doru – Member of CNIPMMR.

source: thediplomat.ro